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[聊天灌水] 【转】与三文治贼先生之战(英文)

发表于 2015-3-7 22:25:49 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 intersec 于 2015-3-7 22:57 编辑



A frustrated office worker's request to a colleague to stop pinching their lunch from the fridge has sparked a hilarious note war between the two.
The A4 notes pinned to the fridge door of an office kitchen have gone viral on a New Zealand radio Facebook page due to the hilarious content contained on them.
What starts as a simple request to the 'turkey and Swiss on Rye' owner to the 'sandwich thief' to stop stealing their lunch, soon turns into an anonymous office stand-off with several demands being traded.

01 The passive-aggressive note which started the war between the two office workers
01 一张言辞激烈的纸条,开起了两位办公室同事之间的战争。

02 The first demand from the anonymous thief, which infuriates the sandwich thief even further
02 匿名小偷的第一个要求/勒索/威胁

03 A return threat from the owner of the 'Turkey and Swiss on Rye' that they will bring HR in to conversation
03 小偷开出的第一个条件让三文治主人决定请出人事部来解决

'To the person who keeps stealing my sandwiches (Turkey and Swiss with mayo on Rye)...' the first of many passive-aggressive notes reads.
'Stop stealing other people's property!!!'
What follows is one of several demands from the thief to pay $10 and leave it in the fridge in return for the person's lunch - or they'll 'never see it undigested again.'
The thief, a man, includes a picture of him holding a portion of the 'Turkey and Swiss on Rye' - one of many he posts picture with him holding it to prove he has it in his possession.
Refusing to take the sandwich owner's advice to be a 'responsible adult' seriously, he further infuriates 'Turkey and Swiss on rye' who threatens the thief with human resources action.
The conversation loses its professionalism along the way and becomes increasingly personal, before 'Tina from HR' wades in with a note to the sandwich owner.
'Please return the sandwich to the owner and we won't investigate this any further,' Tina writes.
To which the thief replies: 'Buy me a pizza.'
Tina responds: 'No'

04 The image of the sandwich thief threatening to continue devouring the person's lunch if they don't put $10 in the fridge
04 这回小偷还贴出了“肉票”的照片为证并坚持要赎金。

05 The defeated sandwich owner asks...
05 受創的三文治主人问。。。

06 More evidence that the man is in possession of the sandwich
06 更多的“肉票”证明

07 The owner follows through on his threat to contact HR and a letter from Tina appears on the fridge door
07 主人真的请来了人事部的Tina,并由Tina发出了正式警告

08 The thief takes his demands to the top
08 没想到小偷竟然更嚣张了

09 Who would have thought? Tina refuses
09 不料,Tina竟然拒绝了!

The three-way dialogue continues until the thief posts a lengthy note with an image of an empty plate proving that he has devoured the sandwich in full.
It is at this point the alleged thief, 'Francis', is finally found out when Tina traces the printed A4 sheets back to his account.
'Francis we checked the office printer queue and traced the requests back to your desk. Could you please see me at your earliest convenience.'
The hilarious note war winds up with Francis grovelling for his job with a simple one-line request pleading not to be fired.
'Please don't fire me.'

10 The thief rubs it in even more
10 场面继续僵持着

11 The sandwich owner cracks with their first personal spray at the thief
11 三文治主人终于忍不住“喷”了小偷。。。

12 The thief devours the sandwich and posts the finished meal
12 小偷“撕票”还贴出证明。。

13 Caught out: Francis's cover is blown
13 啊哈,小偷Francis被逮着了

14 In fine print the thief grovels to Tina not to fire him
14 他以细字认错求饶,请Tina别解雇他。


原文与图片转自:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... tchen-note-war.html


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发表于 2015-3-11 11:08:29 | 只看该作者
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